Please tell us when you're available and what type of appointment you would like to book. Please note we have multiple clinics across Portsmouth and you will need to select which works best for you on the drop-down menu to the left of the screen on the next page.

In order to verify your identity you will either need your mobile to receive an SMS or access to email.

HEALTH INSURANCE CLIENTS - If you are a customer of Viality, AXA or Aviva please select the initial appointment type which corresponds with your insurance provider.

More Info

Running MOT

South Coast Rx are delighted to announce a new version of our popular Athletic Movement Screen, tailored specifically to runners. The Running MOT will give you a better understanding of your running technique, strength and conditioning knowledge, injury prevention tips and how to optimise your performance.

New Clinic at Alexandra Sports

We are delighted to announce a new partnership with the running and fitness experts, Alexandra Sports. We will be running a brand new clinic, led by our running specialist Physiotherapist Christian Robinson, every Tuesday from the store. If you are a keen runner looking to recover from an injury, optimise your performance or prevent future injury - this is the clinic for you!

Alexandra Sports